Every concert reviewed, exclusive to Slipped Disc

Every concert reviewed, exclusive to Slipped Disc


norman lebrecht

September 25, 2019

The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra begins its centenary season tomorrow.

Like all orchestras outside London (and most within), the CBSO gets minimal attention in the shrinking review space of the main so-called national newspapers and, sadder still, even in local newspapers.

We at slippedisc.com think it would be a crying scandal if the centennial of a major English institution went unnoticed. So we have arranged with the best critics in the West Midlands to file reviews of every CBSO concert all year long. Every concert, only on Slipped Disc.

Starting Friday with an epoch-making Child of Our Time.

Watch this space.

Sept 26: A Child of Our Time

Sept 28: Something unexpected

October 2: Mirga revives lost composer

October 17: Is anyone programming better?

October 22: The organ is strictly voluntary

October 30: A different woman takes the baton

November 3: Birmingham kids make Sacre seem so easy.

November 7: Elijah comes home

November 13: Spanish fly

November 28: Please can we have a concertmaster

December 5: Rename it Mendeltown

December 12: Sub conductor scores high

Full disclosure: Slipped Disc has no commercial relationship with the CBSO or any of its artists and partners.


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