It’s not all about Domingo. There are other big stories …

It’s not all about Domingo. There are other big stories …


norman lebrecht

September 01, 2019

It was a record August on Slipped Disc with 1,629,000 readers, including 219,000 new visitors. According to Google Analytics, 61 percent of our readers were under the age of 35.

Our analysis of the Placido Domingo takedown bid may have collared the limelight, but there were other major stories, among them:

– a singer stalking a conductor

– two contrasting women conductors at the Proms

– Jonas Kaufmann acting against his local newspaper


– a vocal attack on the Met’s music director.




  • jobim says:

    Glad your hard work and dedication pays, this blog is one of a rare place where I can enjoy my passion. Thanks Norman.

  • Edgar Self says:

    Good job, Norman. I see many musicians commenting in their own names: Alex Klein, Max Raimi, Louis Langree, Artur Pizarro, Nathaniel Rosen, Adam Stern, members of the VPO and BPO, Fabio Luisi, Gregor Benko.

    Many more I’m forgetting or haven’t recognized yet,

  • Edgar Self says:

    Ace harpsichordist Jory Vinicour. I even forgot unforgettable Jeffrey Biegel, one of the first I noticed. Thanks to Petros Linardos for pulling the chestnuts out of the fire.

  • An Actual Reader says:

    As a former blog owner and publisher, I also am familiar with how Google analytics work – those numbers are not necessarily readers. I’m not the only one who questions.

    Will you publish this comment?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh Google knows.

      How can Google Analytics possibly know that “61 percent of our readers were under the age of 35”?

      Googles knows more about each one of us than our spouses do. It can mine that data in infinite ways. It is the closest thing on Earth to Omniscience.

      If Slipped Disc decided one day to pay Google whatever ransom Google demands these days to sell its data, Norman Lebrecht can know much more about each one of us than whether we were under or over 35 years old.

      Anonymous (Not to Google)

  • Greg Bottini says:

    Keep it goin’, Norman!

  • John george says:

    There’s to much of this people need to learn how to deal with it

  • Nightowl says:

    A Caucasian conductor wearing Japanese looking garments while on the podium.

    This makes perfect sensei, right?