Daily Comfort Zone
The power and the magic of an unencumbered musical moment
Daily Comfort Zone
Violinist Anthea Kreston, who used to write a…
What made Gustav Mahler really happy
Daily Comfort Zone
Elbie Lebrecht has been studying recipes for Marillenknödel,…
Piano teacher kicks lumps out of Glenn Gould
The revered US piano teacher Seymour Bernstein has…
Playing Beethoven piano from the inside
A live installation today at the National Gallery…
Not every piano is a Stein…
An arresting start to Peter Donohoe’s new series…
Three Russian composers attack Rachmaninov
Daily Comfort Zone
Rodion Shchedrin, who will be 90 this winter,…
Slipped Disc every day with your breakfast?
Daily Comfort Zone
Receive our daily email with your first coffee….
All of this is just one minute of music
Daily Comfort Zone
Boris Giltburg gives a fascinating breakdown of Beethoven’s…
The Mozart Lynn Harrell loved most
Daily Comfort Zone
I was refreshing my memory of the Clifford…
America’s foremost pianist reaches 100
Daily Comfort Zone
At the time of his death in a…
A significant change of word
Recorded during Covid by Sarah Beth Briggs and…
Watch: Lars Vogt’s last encore
Lars’s festival in Heimbach has uploaded the final…