Bach’s new organist is Günther Ramin’s great-grandson

Bach’s new organist is Günther Ramin’s great-grandson


norman lebrecht

January 04, 2022

The Thomaskirche in Leipzig will formally induct its new organist, Johannes Lang, at a special service on Thursday.

Lang, 32, succeeds Ulrich Böhme who held the post for 36 years.

Even more interesting, the church has now let it be known that Lang is the great-grandson of Günther Ramin, organist of the Thomaskirche from 1918 and canot from 1940 to his death in 1956.

Ramin was also conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic chorus from 1935 and played a specially constructed organ at the 1936 Nuremberg rally.




  • Furtivewaengler says:

    Perhaps I’m wrong, but it seems like SD has a certain obsession with Nazi era musicians. Fascination is perhaps a better term. Perplexing.

    • Heath says:

      If one is complicit in crimes against humanity, in this case with the Third Reich, then it should be noted. There is simply too much sweeping under the rug in the music world.

  • al says:

    I think that is actually Bruno Kittel in the picture with Furtwangler.

  • Tamino says:

    Ramin did more than he had to, in supporting the Nazis and their cause. Furtwängler did not.

    Both were no selfless resistance heroes, but the differences in attitude toward the totalitarian regime above them were still huge.