BBC devotes an evening to the classical filmmaker it banned

BBC devotes an evening to the classical filmmaker it banned


norman lebrecht

September 30, 2021

For the last dozen years, Christopher Nupen has been persona non grata at BBC Television.

Every attempt to propose a music documentary, or an anniversary revival, met with rejection from the head of classical music Jan Younghusband, who turned her back resolutely on Nupen and his entire award-winning generation of documentarists.

But the tide has now turned.

Younghusband is out. She is leaving the BBC in December.

As one of her last decisions she has agreed, after much deliberation, to a whole evening of Nupen films on BBC4 this Sunday, October 3.

8.00pm   Jacqueline du Pre : A Gift Beyond Words
9.00pm   Listening Through the Lens, a new film about Nupen
10.30pm We Want the Light : The Jews and German Music
Now let’s see if the commissioning policy changes as well.
Declaration of interest: I have made contributions to two of the above films.


  • Jonathan Benthall says:

    Bruno Monsaingeon is another – and very prolific – classical filmmaker whose films I don’t recall having seen on BBC TV.

  • Ruth Leon says:

    About time, too.