Pool time for Barenboim and Du Pre
mainFrom a rare 1969 Australian documentary, revealing in many details:
The narrator sounds remarakbly like the late Clive James.
Is it?
And who else is that in the pool?
From a rare 1969 Australian documentary, revealing in many details:
The narrator sounds remarakbly like the late Clive James.
Is it?
And who else is that in the pool?
There’s no reason to read anything political into…
The former Philly Pops, presently the No Name…
The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, founded in 1968…
The venerated pianist, playing the first Shostakovich concerto…
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==And who else is that in the pool?
Members of the English Chamber Orchestra
The presenter is Mike Willesee, the programme This Day Tonight, which ran nightly on the ABC in the ’60s and ’70s.
Lovely to see my dear teacher Cecil Aronowitz playing viola. Around the time of this documentary, I was a student of Cecil’s at the Royal College of Music. His positivity and love of music shines though in this film.
It is very sad what happened to his wife. They were-a great couple.
Because of where this appears in the list of comments, it could be taken to be a comment about Cecil Aronowitz’s wife, Nicola Grunberg. I think it is more likely that “his wife” meant Jacqueline Du Pre.
Nicola is a Pianist and with Aronowitz, gave the first performance outside Russia of the Shostakovich Viola Sonata at Aldeburgh in 1976. She is alive and well, living in East Sussex.
Voice nothing like CJ’s! But at 1, 05s could that possibly be Abbado in the pool?
It is not Clive James. There is much dumbing down in Australia since those times. The orchestras are somewhat better, but strings are still rather feeble.
SOmething from the same period here with JdP playing the piano