Death of London violinist, 17, was not suicide

Death of London violinist, 17, was not suicide


norman lebrecht

November 16, 2019

An inquest has ruled that the death of young violinist Katya Tsukanova, found hanged in her father’s Kensington mansion flat in July, was misadventure rather than suicide.

Katya, 17, had played in a Royal Opera House recital 8 days before she died.

A therapist testified to her depression from exam stress.

Inquest report here.



  • Marjie says:

    How terribly tragic.

  • Calvin says:

    “What can we parents do? The children will do what they want anyway, and they never tell you the truth.”

    Somewhat peculiar parental reaction to the tragedy.

  • JBV says:

    How tragic. It says in the coroner’s report, she died from compression to the neck. Since suicide was ruled out, it sounds like she might’ve died from autoerotic asphyxiation. It’s a very dangerous fetish that is practiced by quite a few people. People apparently strangle or suffocate themselves (or have their partner do it to them) to heighten sexual arousal. My friend’s Dad, a major Wall St. investment banker, who lived the life many would envy from the outside, died this way…