Mrs Lang Lang plays the piano

Mrs Lang Lang plays the piano


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2019

Our first stage sighting of Gina Alice Redlinger, newly married to the Chinese brand king.

A ready-made jump-in next time he cancels.



  • Minutewaltz says:

    Many congratulations to them both.
    May they have a long and happy marriage.

  • John Borstlap says:

    I seriously thought it was a publicity stunt.

  • Nick says:

    We will see about the “jump-in” part. Somehow I doubt it very much, having heard the girl play. Yes, she tinkles the ivories somewhat, but this is far from being a concert pianist, let alone an artist of Lang Lang stature and ability. However, cute she is and will be a helper to Lang Lang.
    May it be a happy and a long-term marriage.