Explaining sexual consent in terms of … tea: an exemplary English lesson

Explaining sexual consent in terms of … tea: an exemplary English lesson


norman lebrecht

November 29, 2015

A polite video on English law and good manners in respect of sexual consent, issued by the Thames Valley Police.

Suitable for all ages. Essential for most.

cup of tea


  • DLowe says:

    My girlfriend had to explain tea to me in terms of sexual consent…

  • Itsjtime says:

    To teabag a friend while they are sleeping is one of the great pastimes of brass players all over the globe. I myself have never been subject to a tea bag and I am content with my status. A rusty trombone, however, sounds delightful!

  • Max Grimm says:

    On a tongue-in-cheek side-note, I have yet to come across “an exemplary English lesson” regarding anything sexual.

  • Olaugh Turchev says:

    I am surprised Jeffrey Biegel does not have anything to add…

    • Jeffrey Biegel says:

      LOL!! Thanks! Well, I’m a coffee guy myself, so nothing to add here. Have a
      ‘beau-tea-ful’ holiday season, sir!

  • Anne63 says:

    Loose, or just a bag?

  • John says:

    What relevance does this have to music, Lebrecht?

    • Mick says:

      It’s because the voice says toward the end of the video “And on that note I’m gonna make a cup of tea” 😉