Want to see what a live string quartet can do? This is one of London’s coolest venues

Want to see what a live string quartet can do? This is one of London’s coolest venues


norman lebrecht

April 04, 2014

The players are London orchestra regulars. The audience is not. Not yet, that is. Just watch.

hot since 82


  • francois grillot says:

    i must they do look very pretty!!!!!

  • Chas Reskin says:

    And your point is…? Certainly nothing remotely ground-breaking or even musically interesting here. The Beatles used a string quartet (to excellent effect) decades ago. Maybe they did more later, but if this was it, it was a missed opportunity.

  • Marguerite Foxon says:


  • Bcello says:

    Still trying to figure out what they actually ‘did’ ?….

  • Paul Kelly says:

    Its the sort of stuff you see on Later with Jools all the time.