Another Maestra film is coming your way

Another Maestra film is coming your way


norman lebrecht

May 22, 2024

It’s called Momentum and it tracks the transfer of conductor Joana Mallwitz from Nuremberg State Theater to the Berlin Konzerthaus.

Mallwitz, 37, is seen at work and at home, with her husband, the tenor Simon Bode, and their child. Old pal Igor Levit has a walk-on part.

In the closing scene Bode says he wept during the Mahler symphony. She replies: ‘Even though it wasn’t quite together?’

The film goes on general release in Germany this week.


  • jb says:

    Currentzis, besides all the issues he generates, looked awful wearing a sleeveless while conducting. But if she is allowed to do it , albeit it is also not nice, why shouldn’t he? Question of taste? Who cares?

  • RW2013 says:

    I think I’d rather watch Tár ten times in succession.

    • V.Lind says:

      The first half is worth watching.

      Wanna see a good move about a conductor? Find Meeting Venus, about a Paris production of Tannhauser.

  • Fred Funk says:

    There are viola players that dress BETTER than their conductors. But there’s always the triangle player.

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Mahler has become so main stream in concert halls these days that it is hard to get emotional about these show pieces…even if it were my wife conducting.