Rolando Villazon ‘in serious pain’ after US opera accident

Rolando Villazon ‘in serious pain’ after US opera accident


norman lebrecht

July 29, 2023

The Mexican tenor has pulled out of the opening of Santa Fe’s ‘Orefeo’ after suffering an injury in rehearsal.

He writes: I wanted to share with you some very unfortunate news: during Thursday’s final dress rehearsal of Orfeo at Santa Fe Opera, I sustained a back injury in one of the flying sequences. The injury was caused by the harness I am flying in.
I was in serious pain right away but decided to finish the rehearsal, for the whole cast and crew as it was our last run through before opening, and of course the invited audience.
I had to be taken to the ER where I was x-rayed. Fortunately, no rib was broken but I have a strained and possibly torn muscle in my back. Not a minor injury…😔
The doctors told me I was not allowed to “return to work” (meaning to perform) for at least four days and put me on heavy medication.
Of course, I did not withdraw but wanted to perform anyway and told the theatre as much. I am able to sing, albeit with some pain, and I was ready to adapt the staging in order to make the performance possible, as was Yuval Sharon, our director.
However, I was told by the theatre that I could not perform opening night, for legal reasons. As disappointed as I felt, I understand the theatre’s predicament and I accept it. I do not wish to blame any individual for this but you can imagine how sad and frustrated I feel.
I hope the treatment kicks in soon and the doctors give me the all clear to perform on August 2.





  • The Fun is Still Over says:

    Such a shame for Villazon. But I would like to know, was he really excited about singing in a harness? I sympathize with him completely. But separately, why is the charlatan Nico Muhly being given the opportunity to orchestrate Monteverdi? Is the opera Mafia really this strong? His operas are never well-reviewed! Two Boys was a blip and Marnie? C’mon. Who the hell wants to see these things revived?

    • MWnyc says:

      I would be very happy to see “Two Boys” revived.

      I’m less taken with “Marnie” as a whole, but Isabel Leonard not only sang beautifully, she did some of the best acting I’ve ever seen on a opera stage. And Denyce Graves as her mother was terrifying (and that’s praise).

  • IP says:

    What was he doing at the opera?

  • Maria says:

    Stupid production to have to go flying in the air like Peter Pan and then get hurt.

    • youknowIamright says:

      Sorry – the production is not to be blamed – but those who took care about the Stunt, Training, Gear and so on……

      • RW2013 says:

        You mean the Flight Director (who is also the Intimacy Director).

      • Tiredofitall says:

        When it becomes more about acrobatics than singing, then, yes, the production is to be blamed. Young opera directors, for the most part, have it ass-backward.

  • David John Turner says:

    Get Well Soon Rolando!
    But, …
    DON’T,.. Rush back.
    is the First Wealth!

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    A back injury of this type is extremely painful. I’m sorry for him.

  • PappyOpera says:

    Yuval Sharon can’t make a show without a gimmick.

  • ML says:

    These stagings are crazy. Why do they have to make their singers undergo these acrobatics? Sure, put a dancer or an actor in a harness- or have a double for Villazon- they can hire one who is trained and physically suitable for these stunts. Can’t imagine the insurance premiums that will eventually be borne by ticket buyers. Seriously, opera directors, stop indulging your egos. These are operas, not Cirque du Soleil.

    Wishing Rolando a complete and speedy recovery.

  • Tom Sillitti says:

    Charlatans like Yuval Sharon are not only insulting operatic composers, but are now causing physical injury to the artists! Trash!!

  • Anonymous says:

    This brings to mind, that directors don’t care if the singers are injured. But it’s devastating for the singer, and has repercussions on their career. The Met in particular has had some terrible incidents. Remember when Deb Voigt slid off the raked stage at the Met? She could have broken her neck. She got up and continued singing, but should have raised hell with Gelb afterward. Singers should be more demanding on what they will or won’t do on stage.

    • poyu says:

      Voigt even lost her job in London for not able to fit in a stupid dining dress! I think singers nowadays are not like before. They got replaced when the director is not happy.

  • poyu says:

    I saw Mr Sharon‘s Lohengrin in Bayreuth last year, himself went there (even it‘s just a revive), in his designed short suit and trousers, had some theatre chic chat.
    Strangely no one booed him. I don‘t mind this production, but I didn‘t find it especially inspiring. Not sure what he wanted to say. Actually, I‘d rather see a production like the Ring, controversial but at least had something to say.