Sofia is split over pro-Putin pianist

Sofia is split over pro-Putin pianist


norman lebrecht

April 09, 2023

The Kyiv-born pianist Valentina Lisitsa, shunned in most concerthalls for her vehement support for Putin’s invasion, has been allocated two Rachmaninov performances with the Sofie Philharmonic in the Bulgarian capital this month.

But protest is brewing.

Professor Amelia Licheva has called on the minister of culture to prohibit these ‘shameful and immoral’ engagements.


  • I beg your pardon says:

    Music is music, politics is politics. End of story, goodbye, the end!

    • Jean says:

      In that case, ask Mrs Lisitsa to stay away from politics ??

      How about that ?

      • I beg your pardon says:

        She is no more wrong than anyone who supported Bush during the invasion of Iraq.

        Hence, back to my statement.

    • M2N2K says:

      Supporting systematic and brutal mass murder of civilians as well as multiple other daily war crimes (for nearly 14 months now) by invading armed forces is not mere “politics” at all – it is in itself a real crime against humanity.

      • I beg your pardon says:

        Really? Funny that…considering England, America, Israel have also been doing brutal mass murder of civilians in their own wars in the Middle East.

        Oh I’m engaging in whataboutism? Why yes I am. So what. It’s relevant.

        • M2N2K says:

          It’s not relevant at all for several reasons that are well known to those of us who are evidently better informed about the huge differences between various world events and apparently less biased in our attitudes toward them.

          • I beg your pardon says:

            What a word salad. I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about and I doubt you do either.

            Ukrainian lives do not matter more than Afghan lives, or Iraqi lives. Just because your skin might be white does not mean your lives matter more.

        • Jean says:

          Greetings to Moscow.

          I have a feeling that things will suddenly feel more ”relevant” when the war arrives to Moscow…

  • Plush says:

    Lisitsa a kook long before her Putin sympathies. Erratic, scatter-brained, airhead. I know because it was my job to work with her.

  • Meddy says:

    What’s worse: her politics or her sound?

    • Pianofortissimo says:

      In a way, pianists are like horses, or athletes. Don’t know if Valentina Lisitsa is in good shape right now, but she was great 10-15 years ago.

  • Guest says:

    Amelia Licheva is talking about morality? So funny!

  • IP says:

    Just back from Sofia, and I didn’t notice anything worth splitting.

  • M2N2K says:

    To imply some kind of moral/legal/human equivalency between Russian “special military operations” and those by Western countries during recent decades requires astonishing level of ignorance about the subject. Here is a little bit of education for those of us who may be more interested in learning about historical facts rather than in blindly trusting every word of Kremlin’s propaganda: .