Osvaldo Golijov: Depression and divorce stopped me composing

Osvaldo Golijov: Depression and divorce stopped me composing


norman lebrecht

July 19, 2022

The Argentine-US composer has given a fascinating interview at a Finnish festival on his midlife silence:

‘It was due to many things in life, such as a divorce. I had never had the fear of a blank page before. Or actually it wasn’t even then, because I was still composing every day, but the next day I threw the previous day’s results in the trash. Not interested. I couldn’t maintain interest in developing ideas.

‘But now that I’m not depressed, I realize that the Beatles’ Hey Jude is sung just right: everything can be made better, even if the first version is on the bad side. If you can work, it can be great!’

Read on here.


  • Gary Carpenter says:

    Would love to read more but my Finnish is a bit rusty.