A head rolls at besieged English Touring Opera

A head rolls at besieged English Touring Opera


norman lebrecht

October 19, 2021

We hear that Dominick Haddock, Head of Development, Communications and Sales, has left English Touring Opera.

He is carrying the can for James Conway, who signed a disastrous letter to 14 orchestral musicians, telling them they were being replaced by ‘more diverse’ new hires.

Conway has meanwhile gone off-radar. His name and email have vanished from the website, where Haddock’s job is now on the slab.

The job advertisement says: ‘The Head of Development and Communications will support this application to secure a future three years of core funding (2023-2026).’

Just so you know what kind of person they are looking for.



  • La plus belle voix says:

    Fact check: Conway’s name is still on the ETO website. And anyway, the best thing for an unwanted Haddock is aspirin.

  • FactCheck says:

    Ummm…. actually, Dominic has been “promoted” to ENO as their Head of Philanthropy, something I imagine is entirely unrelated to James Conway or the ETO orchestra situation.

    Might want to change that headline, Norman…

    • Maria says:

      He’ll be good there then at ENO with his diversity skills being applied to funding! ENO was full of Indian and African nationalities, first timers and kids at an opera, on Sunday afternoon as Satyagraha with it being about Ghandi in South Africa. Happened with Ceylonese/Sri Lankans where even more turned out to see Pearl Fishers on a very cheap promotiinal ticket for them but at least that was in audible English. Not a meak out of all the so well behaved kids.

    • Esther says:

      You sure about that? Head of Development being advertised with a remit for 500k of donations… which is exactly what Philanthropy is… I think you might be looking at an old job title for Haddock?

      • Ellie says:

        Think you misread the comment – it seems he’s going to ENO.

        Not surprised he wanted out of ETO after the disasters caused by Conway. Heaven help the new person in the role!

  • Luigi Lattanzio says:

    This diversity business has gone too far. I am all for it in a moderate and balanced way but, the action of Conway is, in my opinion, disgraceful and totally out of context

  • Bored Muso says:

    James Conway and Gerry Cornelius also need to take responsibility for their complicit part in this travesty and either resign or be sacked.