Bolshoi concertmaster dies in California

Bolshoi concertmaster dies in California


norman lebrecht

October 26, 2021

We have been notified of the death of Daniil Shindaryov, a David Oistrakh student who was made concertmaster of the Bolshoi at an early age, but slipped away to the US in 1975.

Se served there as concertmaster of the San Francisco Opera and Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra.

Daniil was 96 at his death.


photo: Alissa Margulis


  • esfir ross says:

    RIP, I played with Daniil .

    • M2N2K says:

      That amazing fact alone is not why Daniil Shindaryov should and will be remembered by all who knew him and heard his remarkable playing.

  • M2N2K says:

    He was an astonishing virtuoso. The more technically challenging the piece the more impressive he sounded, delivering most spectacular violinistic acrobatics with superhuman ease and accuracy.

    • Scott Simon says:

      And to think that in his 80s and 90s he could walk onto a concert platform and throw off one virtuoso piece after the other! He was of an era which we will most likely never see/hear again.
      If I am reliably informed he didn’t leave the Soviet Union until he was past 50. If he had left earlier we would have heard a lot more from him a lot sooner. Truly a great violinist.