Slippedisc daily comfort zone (39): Forever young

Slippedisc daily comfort zone (39): Forever young

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

May 24, 2021

Happy 80s, Bob Dylan.


  • MR says:

    Bob Dylan is addressing Music itself in his song, Mississippi; how he has devoted his life to music’s attraction and pursuit, following “the southern star” seeking the secrets of music, and having “crossed that river” to be with his personification of music.

  • E says:

    What a great birthday greeting…with wishes for his next decade!

  • Greg Bottini says:

    There were and are so many Dylans; you could almost pick your preferred style of American popular, folk, or country music and there would be a Dylan to suit you.
    Happy birthday, Bob! Hats off to a musical and poetical genius!

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    “The Hurricane”; Dylan’s best song by far.

    Happy birthday, Bob Dyland.