‘How is it that every single “live” recording hasn’t got a single mistake?’

‘How is it that every single “live” recording hasn’t got a single mistake?’


norman lebrecht

April 13, 2021

Violist Hsin-Yun Huang has sent us this glorious video memoir of the pianist Derek Han who left us this week, far too soon.

She adds: ‘Derek was an extraordinarily devoted son, and despite his busy itinerary he would also spend weeks at a time with his mother who lived in California. We would have endless chats about the care and needs of our aging parents. I knew he was someone who made dinners for her, tucked her into bed, administered medications etc. She only passed away just last year — with him at her bedside.

‘This was a life interrupted, and we lost a rarity: a true artist who also keenly understood the turning wheels of the business world.

‘When we last saw each other two weeks ago he was so lively, full of ideas and plans for the future. I am finding it very very difficult to accept this reality, and can only express what a huge privilege it has been to have known him. I will continue to be inspired by his love for life.’


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