UN picks Beethoven Orchestra as climate change ambassador

UN picks Beethoven Orchestra as climate change ambassador


norman lebrecht

March 01, 2021

We’re informed that the UN’s Climate Change chief Patricia Espinosa has named the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn as UN Climate Change Goodwill Ambassador.

Presumably this means the orchestra has to travel a lot, thereby blowing an even bigger hole in the ozone layer.

All UN ambassadorships are hollow honours.



  • Gustavo says:

    “…thereby blowing an even bigger hole in the ozone layer.”

    The hole in the ozon layer is not the cause of the global green-house effect which is driven by anthropogenic CO2.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Also it should be remembered that Beethoven was notorious for neglecting climate phenomenae, walking through rain, hailstorms, cold wind, insufficiently dressed and catching colds. His 6th symphony celebrated storm and naive post-rain celebrations of the locals, but it did not go further than that.

  • Alan says:

    What complete and utter s***e.
    The UN should not be wasting its time on nonsense like this.