Pool time for Barenboim and Du Pre

Pool time for Barenboim and Du Pre


norman lebrecht

June 29, 2020

From a rare 1969 Australian documentary, revealing in many details:

The narrator sounds remarakbly like the late Clive James.

Is it?

And who else is that in the pool?


  • Jan Kaznowski says:

    ==And who else is that in the pool?

    Members of the English Chamber Orchestra

  • Malchus says:

    The presenter is Mike Willesee, the programme This Day Tonight, which ran nightly on the ABC in the ’60s and ’70s.

  • Nicholas Logie says:

    Lovely to see my dear teacher Cecil Aronowitz playing viola. Around the time of this documentary, I was a student of Cecil’s at the Royal College of Music. His positivity and love of music shines though in this film.

  • Henry williams says:

    It is very sad what happened to his wife. They were-a great couple.

    • Jonathan Zoob says:

      Because of where this appears in the list of comments, it could be taken to be a comment about Cecil Aronowitz’s wife, Nicola Grunberg. I think it is more likely that “his wife” meant Jacqueline Du Pre.
      Nicola is a Pianist and with Aronowitz, gave the first performance outside Russia of the Shostakovich Viola Sonata at Aldeburgh in 1976. She is alive and well, living in East Sussex.

  • microview says:

    Voice nothing like CJ’s! But at 1, 05s could that possibly be Abbado in the pool?

  • Mustafa Kandan says:

    It is not Clive James. There is much dumbing down in Australia since those times. The orchestras are somewhat better, but strings are still rather feeble.

  • Jan Kaznowski says:

    SOmething from the same period here with JdP playing the piano