Getting down to bass-sicks

Getting down to bass-sicks


norman lebrecht

November 05, 2019

So you’ll remember that Ildar Abdrazakov cancelled Chicago’s Don Giovanni and all other US dates ‘for family reasons’.

Well, Evgeny Nikitin has just pulled out of Paris’s Prince Igor ‘due to illness’.
Guess who’s jumping in?
Looks like Ildar’s family reasons don’t include Paris.
We’ll always have Paris.


  • Bogda says:

    It was known that he will sing in Paris at the time when he cancelled Chicago 😉

  • Vaquero357 says:

    Well, to be fair, the reason for his cancellation of Don Giovanni in Chicago was that he needed to be “closer to home” for the next few months. And Paris IS a lot closer than Chicago.

    Tryin’ to give artists the benefit of the doubt on this cancellation thing…..

  • Yaroslavna says:

    Maybe the only thing he needs at the moment is to be within a short flight distance from home. I say this because Ildar is a very serious and professional artist; definitely not an irresponsible, prima donna like superstar. I’m pretty sure his motives are serious.

  • Olassus says:


  • Emily says:

    He explained that he needed to be in Europe ‘for family reasons’ and that reason has just been put on his Instagram page. He has always been reliable and I think it’s appalling to try and make trouble without knowing the truth. Paris IS in Europe, so not a problem for him, and he is replacing a singer who has had to pull out due to illness.