Dark day: Three baroque orchestras shut down

Dark day: Three baroque orchestras shut down


norman lebrecht

October 28, 2019

Scherzo has news of shutters coming down on three baroque ensembles, all for reasons of cutbacks in public funding in Spain and other European countries.

Hugo Reyne, flutist of Les Arts Florissants, has been obliged to disband La Simphonie du Marais (est. 1987) from next year.

Daniela Dolci will close Musica Fiorita before the year is out.

And Óscar Gershensohn is breaking up La Capilla Real de Madrid, which he founded in 1992.



  • Doug says:

    See what happens when you rely solely on tax based subsidy and the priorities shift to identity politics and global warming scams projects? Remember, “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” and classical music can no longer squeak loudly enough.

    • Emil says:

      Cause and effect. You’ve convinced me.

    • Karl says:

      Maybe they can get funding if someone can show that classical music lowers CO2 emissions. …

      A quick google and I have it! “services like Spotify and Apple Music is driving up carbon emissions and contributing to climate change, a recent study says”

      So people should be listening to live classical music to save the planet. Write your local politician NOW.

      • The View from America says:

        … And tell them that all the audience members promise to walk to all the concert events.

        • Sue Sonata Form says:

          They could even ride their bikes. I think the Met should be providing bike spaces in the thousands for all the ‘extinctioners’ out there.

          All I’m asking is for people to live by their stated values. Since I don’t have any myself it’s open slather at our place!!

    • Paul Brownsey says:

      “the priorities shift to identity politics and global warming scams projects?”

      You mean these orchestras are being shut down because there’s a policy of being nice to gay people?

  • beckmesser says:

    Can’t say any of them made any impression on me; barely knew of their existence so they will hardly be missed.

  • Marco says:

    This is deeply disturbing and upsetting news…

  • John G. says:

    Sorry to hear about the dimise of these groups. It is surprising though that after 32 years Mr. Reyne’s group couldn’t find enough of an audience to be self-sustaining. I guess the “market” has spoken.

    • Saxon Broken says:

      Are the Berlin Philharmonic or the Concertgebouw orchestras self-sustaining?

      If not then why would you expect these three Baroque orchestras to be self-funding.

  • Ulex Xane says:

    It’s a great shame. All three of these ensembles were wonderful. Daniela Dolci’s Musica Fiorita in particular made some beautiful CDs. I would hope that they may be able to secure some alternative sources of funding to enable them to continue their fine work.

  • Larry W says:

    Apparently Spain doesn’t go for baroque as much as it goes broke.

  • Esther Cavett says:

    The groups have all had a good day in the sun, but are not terribly well known. It’s not the end of the world