Prince Charles drops in on the Barenboim kids

Prince Charles drops in on the Barenboim kids


norman lebrecht

May 09, 2019

The heir to the throne visited the Barenboim-Said Academy today in Berlin.

(Press photo: © Peter Adamik)

It’s part of a don’t-mention-the-war royal tour designed to reconfigure Anglo-German relations after Brexit.


  • fflambeau says:


  • Ed says:

    Which war was being referenced? The Falklands War, alluding to Barenboim’s Argentine heritage?

  • Robert Groen says:

    Not quite sure which direction you are trying to push us in, Norman.

  • Peter says:

    I think it was a lame attempt at humour. In the spirit of… “If you can think of anything funny, then reference John Cleese, and it might raise a smile”