How long can Munich maintain its Michael Jackson Denkmal?
mainThis is the Michael Jackson Denkmal on Munich’s Promenadeplatz here in Munich. It stands in front of the Hotel Bayerischer Hof, where the late pop singer used to stay, half-covering an 1862 monument to the medieval Belgian composer Roland de Lattre.
Two women fans keep the candles lit and the images dry almost every day. The city turns a blind eye.
But as Jackson is being banned from the airwaves in many countries after accusations of child abuse, how long can Munich allow this tribute to continue.
Time to bring back Roland de Lattre, maybe.
10000% d’accord.
We should also destroy all statues of Wagner (anti-semite), Beethoven (misanthropic human being, caused his nephew to almost kill himself), Britten (friend of Michael Jackson’s habits) and most certainly Gesualdo (pretty sure he killed someone).
Because art is only worth something, when the artist is a decent human being!!1!
I wonder how many sheep took your sarcasm seriously. Nothing surprises me anymore. Click that thumbs down now little Marxist useful idiot!
As an artist Jackson was not a decent one anyway. He was an entertainer.
Would you differentiate an artist and an entertainer, please? Is there a great artist who doesn’t entertain? Or is a great entertainer who has no artistry? Those are genuine questions, not rhetoric ones.
I understand the point you are making, but I think you’re wrong. I’d apply the following criteria in making distinctions between Michael Jackson and the other people you mention:
1. How much time has passed since the person’s lifetime/transgressions and the present day?
2. Is there anybody alive today who was personally and directly impacted by the person’s behaviour?
3. How normal was the person’s behaviour for the society in which he lived?
Wagner: Died in 1883. Anybody whose life or career he may have tried to ruin was probably dead by the end of the century. His antisemitism was hardly unusual for a 19th-century German. Wagner’s antisemitism appals me much less than does that of Britain’s wartime foreign secretary Anthony Eden, for example.
Beethoven: Died in 1827. Being ‘misanthropic’ is not a crime. As for his treatment of Karl, Beethoven seemingly was doing what he believed was in the boy’s best interests, however misguided he may have been. The suicide attempt was not fatal, and he seems to have gone on to have a perfectly good life. Today we would perhaps see Beethoven’s attitudes as patriarchal and misogynistic, and he seems to have believed that he was entitled to control members of his family, but this would have been typical for a man of his time.
Britten: Died in 1976. Consensus seems to be that nobody has ever actually accused Britten of committing a crime against a boy. To date, nobody seems to have come forward and actually accused Britten of committing an indecent assault etc. On the contrary, men who knew Britten when they were boys have often spoken of him in the highest possible terms. What we do have are accounts of Britten engaging in some behaviour with boys which does now seem to us to be inappropriate, e.g. nude swimming with boys. But at the time this kind of behaviour, which stops well short of anything criminal, was fairly normal. Even twenty or more years after Britten’s death, schoolmasters were routinely watching boys showering. Personally, I find Britten’s interest in boys, and his behaviour with them, pretty strange, but it was not criminal and there was not the same understanding of child protection that we have today.
Gesualdo: Italian Renaissance prince. For a man of his status and in his own time, violence was a normal part of life. Indeed, he was never, in fact, found to have committed an actual crime. It’s also questionable to what extent Gesualdo is commemorated or celebrated at all. Insofar as many people have heard of him, he is known mainly as a murderer who wrote quite weird music. It’s not like he has a great reputation to defend or anything.
Michael Jackson: Died less than 10 years ago. Alleged victims very much still alive. Alleged crimes illegal at the time allegedly committed and strongly condemned by society. Dogged by scandal even during his own lifetime.
If you are looking for a more valid comparison for Michael Jackson I’d suggest Jimmy Savile or Cyril Smith.
If the Munich authorities don’t take it down, they are simply inviting people to do the job for them. The Yellow Jacket movement ought to have proven by now that people will not sit idly by while governments act against the public interest.
I completely disagree with taking it down.
Instead, make that shrine permanent with an anti-vandal plague saying “Alleged Serial Pedophile For Decades”.
Ditto for all Wagner monuments. Add an engraved text “Unapologetic Anti-Semite” to all of them. If we could engrave something on his statue’s head like in “The Inglorious Bastards”. even better!
It’s not as if the accusations against Jackson are new – they and his proclivities have been known for decades. The “Denkmal” should be taken down simply because it is vandalising and defacing another public monument and is an ugly monstrosity in its own right, regardless who it honors. And these two Denkmal ladies: What kind of absurd people, devoid of any inner life or aesthetic sense, devote their lives to perpetuating such a hideous thing anyway?
Fully agree. There is a new film out but it’s not news. If this weird memorial is not OK today then it wasn’t OK last year or the year before.
Jackson had a trial and was found not guilty. He was only guilty of being weird.
I remember the McMartin preschool trial and I saw the documentary “Capturing the Friedmans”. The police need to find a better way of investigation these types of claims. Studies on child abuse allegations in the 1990s showed that the overall rate of false accusations at that time was approximately 10%. But when millions of dollars are at stake people have a greater incentive to lie.
Jackson had a trial and was found not guilty. But that doesn’t mean he was found innocent. And one of the two men now alleging abuse said he lied to protect Jackson back then.
This is not comparable to the McMartin case.
It’s not possible to be proven innocent at a trial. It’s almost impossible to ever be proven innocent. I would say this is very similar to the McMartin case. Nine of 11 jurors at a press conference following the trial stated that they believed the children had been molested but the evidence did not allow them to state who had committed the abuse beyond a reasonable doubt.
Unfortunately we live in an age where trial by a TV documentary with an agenda seems to be believed unreservedly. The trouble is that the documentary was only interested in the case for the prosecution. The two big trials Jackson went through and won also allowed a defence to be presented, as should the documentary if it wanted to be taken seriously.
Now that he’s dead and can’t defend himself a civil trial should be easier to pursue.
Bernstein was a fan:
How long can we continue performing the music of Britten or Copland? This is a much bigger issue than just Michael Jackson, and far deeper than people are making it. Musicians of all sorts have been creeps, weirdos, criminals, assaulters, and yet, is it because MJ meant so much to us that this hurts more? I think those saying they will not listen to Jackson anymore should look deeper into their other influences, for they are just scratching the surface in a sad, reactionary way. Definitely, stop playing the music of Jackson, but also rethink your other choices as well, don’t just pat yourself on the back for this easy one…it’s a bad look.
There is a similar monument (on a much smaller scale) in a Berlin park where the G element of LGBTQ%&?=”@> suns itself in summer, de- and reconstructed on a regular basis.
Disgusting and unbelievable how this could have happened anyway
This overrated, vulgare pop icone, being mentally ill and extreme and egoistic
I have often thought by myself when walking there, how ridiculous this monunent is and why no one can put an end to this!
Egoistic? He is the entertainer who has donated the most money in history!
You don’t have to be proven innocent in a trial. You are innocent until proven otherwise. He was never proven guilty. If anyone accuses another person of anything it’s on them to prove it. There are all sort of reasons why people fabricate false accusations. Especially when you are a millionaire, you are going to be surrounded by money thirsty blood suckers.