Bombshell: Montreal clears Charles Dutoit of sexual harassment

Bombshell: Montreal clears Charles Dutoit of sexual harassment


norman lebrecht

November 07, 2018

The independent investigator has reported and here’s the key finding:

For all intents and purposes and within the purview of my investigation, I dealt with two grievances of sexual harassment involving M. Charles Dutoit. I met with and/or contacted the plaintiffs on several occasions. Though the procedure employed was rigorous and conformed to best practices in cases of internal inquiries into sexual harassment, the process did not yield sufficient information in relation to allegations of sexual harassment.

Below you will find the full statement from the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, where Dutoit was music director from 1977 to 2002. Elsewhere, the Boston Symphony has found harassment allegations against him to be credible. Dutoit, 82, denied all allegations, which range from groping to actual rape.

UPDATE: But Philadelphia upholds claims against Dutoit

MONTREAL, Nov. 6, 2018 /CNW Telbec/ – The Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) announces the completion of an internal investigation into sexual harassment within the institution. The investigation was carried out by an independent expert who received the mandate in early 2018 after a rash of public accusations involving Charles Dutoit.

The OSM accepts the independent expert’s recommendation to both tighten the terms and broaden scope of the institution’s policy on workplace harassment. Consequently, the OSM will adopt a new policy to this effect. The new proposed version as recommended by the independent expert will be discussed with the Guilde des musiciens et musiciennes du Québec, the professional association of which OSM musicians are members, before it is submitted for final approval by the Orchestra’s Executive Committee.

The portion of the investigation resulting from allegations of sexual harassment encompasses both current OSM staff and all persons employed there in the past. Regarding M. Charles Dutoit, it bears mentioning that he served as Principal Conductor of the OSM from 1977 to 2002.

Following the completion of her work, the independent expert formulated the following conclusion: “For all intents and purposes and within the purview of my investigation, I dealt with two grievances of sexual harassment involving M. Charles Dutoit. I met with and/or contacted the plaintiffs on several occasions. Though the procedure employed was rigorous and conformed to best practices in cases of internal inquiries into sexual harassment, the process did not yield sufficient information in relation to allegations of sexual harassment.” In light of the independent expert’s work, the two plaintiffs did not wish to follow up on their grievances and did not consider it opportune to provide formal declarations with respect to these allegations. As a result, the process of inquiry concluded in mid-October.

The independent expert based the procedure for her investigation on a model recommended by the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (Quebec Order of Authorized Human Resources Counsellors)’s Code de conduite – Enquête interne à la suite d’une plainte pour harcèlement au travail (Code of practice – Internal investigation following a complaint of workplace harassment), published at:(

She was also guided in the investigation by the Guide des meilleures pratiques à l’intention des avocats effectuant des enquêtes sur des plaintes de harcèlement psychologique en milieu de travail (Lawyers’ guide to best practices when conducting inquiries into complaints of psychological harassment in the workplace), published by the Quebec Bar at : (

“We sincerely empathize with the two plaintiffs who decided, for reasons entirely their own, not to follow up on their complaints in the context of this investigation,” Madeleine Careau, the OSM’s Chief Executive Officer declared. “We respect their personal choice, and with all advisement welcome the independent expert’s work. We must now acknowledge the results of this investigation and learn from its conclusions. To that end, we will adopt a new, stronger and more comprehensive workplace harassment policy. This new policy will be aligned with known best practices and be based on the principle of zero tolerance in matters of harassment, whatever form it takes.”


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