Baltimore oboe says: I told you so
mainKatherine Needleman, the Baltimore principal oboe who filed a complaint against concertmaster Jonathan Carney, is delighted at his suspension.
She tells the Baltimore Sun:
‘I do not know the woman who was threatened at the Midatlantic Symphony; I have never met her nor spoken to her. I have, however, had a similar threat directed at me by Jonathan Carney, and understand too clearly how frightening he can be. That Mr. Carney would threaten two women completely unrelated to my case in the way he did shows why other women may be unable to speak out, especially where they were not provided anonymity in the case of the BSO’s internal investigation, where three women declined to speak. I commend the Midatlantic Symphony for taking decisive action and firing Mr. Carney to protect the women who work for them. I stand with both women who were threatened and hope they get the peace they deserve.’
Ms Needleman has also posted a picture of her new tattoo, in solidarity with the Baltimore Symphony:
Ok, the tattoo is just weird.
The tattoo is fake, Norman. Lots of Baltimore Symphony Musicians are sporting them.
What does it say?
“If you can read this, you are too close”
I think it says: “You will like my “A” or else….”
It appears to say Baltimore Symphony Musicians
The tattoo is in solidarity with the Baltimore Symphony *Musicians* who were offered a terrible contract by symphony management (25% cut in salary, reduction in weeks, diminishment of the orchestra) and are raising awareness of it online. Get involved at
The blatant sexism displayed in this posting is disgusting. Nowhere does Needleman herself say she is “delighted”. I should have figured the motives of the author of this site when it took him two days to mention here the most recent story about Jon Carney even though it was all over the news in Baltimore.
The fact that she harps on in the media about matters that she has already reported to the right people might not help her credibility.
BRAVO-BRAVISSIMO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOSEPH
What ever happened to the “high road”; the decline to comment?
The amount of mediatic interventions from this person and the way she harps on about things she has already reported is very scary. Normally, someone would report incidents and then let matters take their course. I am not sure if all this helps her credibility.
A suspension means little. Only a judge will decide about the facts.
District Court of Maryland Judge Catherine Chen granted a peace order against Carney on Nov. 5.
Anyone else notice that this woman turns more hideous by the day? Imagine the rot and hatred underneath the surface and it gives you some explanation. Her playing has probably turned sterile too.
Yours is the rot and hatred,you make it v evident
Doug, what do you know about her life and experiences that puts you in a position to make judgments about her. Your comment says volumes about you but nothing about her.
Wow. Impressive even for you, Doug.
A tattoo on her neck, exposed to the public at every concert? That is beyond stupid, it shows how selfish she is, it is totally unacceptable. She needs to be replaced immediately. What a disgrace.
This is no “I told you so”. The peace order was thrown out a few hours ago!