Theresa May promises more Sibelius after Brexit

Theresa May promises more Sibelius after Brexit


norman lebrecht

October 30, 2018

From our northern correspondent:

According to Finnish media reports Theresa May promised today in a speech at a meeting with the Nordic prime ministers at the Nordic Council in Oslo that basically nothing changes with Brexit:

‘We listen to Sibelius ( …) and some of us even on occasions dance to tunes by Abba. – – We will not be turning our backs on the Nordic countries.’



  • JoBe says:

    Okay, Norway is not in the EU, but why did she leave Denmark out? The country of Nielsen, Langgaard and Nørgård… once again overlooked by music lovers.

  • Una says:

    She can dance to Abba if she wants. Just hope she doesn’t progress her dance ‘routine’ to the last movement of the Sibelius Violin Concerto!

  • Bill says:

    The Brexiteers just want their cake with extra whipped cream, a cherry on top, with chocolate syrup and to eat it too; guilt free, no calories, no diabetes, no weight gain, no trips to the dentist…
    Too bad that’s not how it works.

    I guess some people should have thought it through for a little while before making such a rash, irreversible decision.

    • Allen says:

      “some people”

      You mean 17,410,742 people. The ones who want the sort of independence already enjoyed by Australia, New Zealand etc. That is how it works.

  • Rob says:

    And when the food banks are finn-ished ?

  • Alexander says:

    She also can sway an ancient nordic dance on a coming Halloween party and say that her blood has a bit of Nordic one too ( like the blood of the most part of Britons). Not Salome ,nevertheless it would be even more convincing for them 😉