Maestro swoop: Yannick’s assistant gets an agent

Maestro swoop: Yannick’s assistant gets an agent


norman lebrecht

September 14, 2017

AskonasHolt, who manage the Philadelphia conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin, have quietly signed up his assistant Kensho Watanabe after the young man’s heroic jump-in last April.



  • phf655 says:

    Watanabe is the Assistant Conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra. The duties of that postion usually comprise covering all of the orchestral programs, being able to step in situations such as the one that happened a few months ago, and brought him priase. The orchestra’s website states that he conducts many of the orchestra’s community outreach activities. I think both Watanabe and Nezet-Seguin would be uncomfortable with the description of the former as the latter’s assistant.

  • Ben says:

    Watanabe san will be another successful conductor like his two predecessors in Philadelphia.

    Yannick seems to be on a roll to start a nice conducting tree! Bravo!

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