Exclusive: Opera critic is hit with 10,000 Euro libel fine
mainThe Romanian critic Alexandru Patrascu, a contributor to the London-based Opera magazine, has lost a libel case brought against him by the conductor Tiberiu-Ionuț Soare, former head of Bucharest National Opera, and the soprano Irina Iordăchescu. The pair claimed 100,000 in damages for Patrascu’s reporting. They were awarded one-tenth of that sum, but it is nonetheless a heavy penalty and an affront to free speech.
The dispute centres on a period when Soare was appointed interim manager of BNO in April 2016 after the turbulent dismissal of the renowned Danish dancer Johan Kobborg and his wife, Romania’s most celebrated dancer, Alina Cojocaru. Patrascu reported these events for international outlets and on his own blog. No other Romanian critic dared to report the story, such is the state of free speech in the EU-member country. (Soare gave his own account on Slipped Disc in May 2016.)
Together with the soprano Iordăchescu, Soare sued the critic both for his own blog posts and for comments that appeared on it.
On Friday, the conductor won. The critic has been given the right to appeal, and will do so.
Meantime, he states his response (in English) on a new blog site here:
I love opera passionately. This is the reason for this blog, which is now in danger to disappear.
In the spring of 2016, I chose to sound an alarm regarding the situation at Bucharest National Opera, during the huge scandal that triggered the ousting of Johan Kobborg, artistic manager of the ballet company, and of Alina Cojocaru, the most important Romanian ballerina. Some tens of important other dancers left the company together with them, and proved afterwards the value they had acquired while working under Johan Kobborg’s management, as they went to international ballet companies.
A unique situation in the musical world: not a single Romanian music critic wrote about those events…
There is still an iron curtain hanging across Europe, in spite of the EU, and its location is in the minds of many people.
We should still wait to see the long-term effect of such iron curtain, whether it is only suppressive or somehow also protective, before we can have an overall objective conclusion about it.
But charing a critic with 10,000 Euro is by all means not OK!
Free speech is one thing, but libel and fake news are quite different. Although I do not know the details of this story, it seems that the question here is not whether the critic’s freedom of speech is being impeded, but whether or not his reporting was spreading rumors, lies, or intentionally misleading the readers. More details about the content, please …
It wasn’t a trial about any fake news or calumnies, the main accusations were “denigration”. The musical critic Alexandru Patrascu only reported real facts from the BNO revolution. In April, 2016, the conductor Tiberiu Soare, the soprano Irina Iordachescu and some other employees suspended many performances at BNO, causing a loss of 400k Euro from the institution’s budget. On 23rd of April, the public was already at their seats when Tiberiu Soare announced that the performance was cancelled. The impact was even greater because there were teachers with school students, most of which were attending their first performance ever. Nobody’s investigated this, yet. They should have been fired at the time, but unfortunately, the Romanian cultural management has proven to be a failure, so far. The results of the BNO “revolution” are: the greatest Romanian ballerina, Alina Cojocaru and her partner, Johan Kobborg left the country for good, the ballet company is totally destroyed and now, the critic is sued for some fake reasons.. Here is the full story : https://despreopera.com/english-versions/a-miscarriage-of-justice/. Also here, in English at 12:53 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cK475rQl47g&feature=youtu.be. They were booed after the performance boycott: http://media.tvrnews.ro/video_local/201604/opera-untitled-project-1-mpeg4-16×9-64473100_64473100.mp4
Just see a copy/paste of the content “Monkey who has learned to sign, screaming, hysterical scandalagioaic, schizophrenic trained, imbecile, pathetic, mediocre, talentless, incapable, xenophobic, chauvinist and nationalist, insensible, non-recurrent, lefegy to the state and junk through parks, guitars of talent, worthless, without a voice, without a repertoire, good only for small, subtle, good roles, good only for singing bees through parks and weddings, a stupid fool that should be locked up to a madman, a low- mournful, soprano who pays applause, filling the room with friends and relatives when singing, and for whom it is fun to sing, a soprano who does not honor its artistic duties, circulates it extremistly, a puzzled little thought and feeling, a Mr. Goe is the 40-year-old female version, a hysterical, hysterical and sufficient bitch, a singer who has not sung out rather than on small scenes and therefore can not speak of an important career, a soprano with modest vocal material, extremely ugly, small, aging, harsh, abnormal timbral, which can not be compared at any level with the big ones sopranos of today, a singer who must be booed together with conductor Tiberiu Soare, violinist Monica Bălăşoiu and other colleagues from ONB” see for yourself
Keep up your spirits, dear Alexandru! We are alongside you and support you! All the best!
The main problem with musical criticism in Romania is that most critics serve certain artists and regardless of the quality of their performances, they have to praise them. Sometimes they are paid, sometimes they do it because they get invitations to attend performances for free. Alexandru Patrascu is the only one who buys his own tickets and writes very informative critics, I would say as objective as possible, without to establish any personal connections with performers or opera directors. This was of course, a huge inconvenience for all these mediocre artists that only expect to be praised, so this legal action against him was a necessity for them.
Much of the above comment is also applicable to the UK. I have said before, and I will say again, that it is high time that UK performers and promoters desisted from giving preferential treatment to critics (such as free tickets and hospitality) over the rest of the audience. The organs of the mainstream media have deep pockets, and should pay for tickets just like the rest of us. There is nothing to lose (the mainstream media already pays such scant attention to classical music, and the standard of the critics is incredibly unreliable at best, so the argument that the media are rendering a service to musicians by providing “free” publicity is untenable), if only the music profession could unite in implementing this paradigm shift.
The only way for mediocre artists to prosper is to shut down honest critics. Nothing new really. I was on the receiving end of such treatment last year, as reported on this blog.
Indeed, such a shame to Blame Mr Patrascu’s post about music… oh, wait! He wrote about Mr Tiberiu Soare’s wife, how he Thanks Mrs Iordachescu is fat and about her familly….
This is just can-can posts about musician, nothing about music!
And by the way, I Really want to know Why this picture….Should it Be ok for me?!?!
He Thinks*
These are only can-can posts*
This comment should be regarded as a biased one, since in this trial, Mrs. Monica Balasoiu went to court as a witness of Tiberiu Soare and testified against Mr. Alexandru Patrascu. Furthermore, Mrs. Monica Balasoiu works for Tiberiu Soare, serving one of his private orchestras.
Mr Andrei Ungureanu, give us all some proofs for your words! Show us all that I work in Tiberiu Soare’s private orchestra. You can’t… because it’s not truth. Grow Up !
In 2012 she’s (Monica Balasoiu, i. e.) created Camerata Isedici Orchestra, which became Symphactory Orchestra (ex. Silvestri), under the direction of Maestro Tiberiu Soare. Here is the link : https://www.fundatiacaleavictoriei.ro/monica-balasoiu/
Furthermore, Mrs. Monica Balasoiu is Concert Maestro at this private orchestra, called Symphactory, however, she works for Bucharest National Opera as a second violonist. Mr. Tiberiu Soare is also a conductor at Bucharest National Opera, so their professional relationship is very close, which invalidates all her comments regarding this matter.
Mrs Monica Cristiana Balasoiu: I was mentioning only FACTS: you were a witness in this trial (everyone can prove it), therefore your comments are biased. You work for Tiberiu Soare: in a state orchestra, Bucharest National Opera and a private Orchestra: Symphactory. The compatibility of your witness status is questionable, so are your statements in here. There are dozens of concerts with you under the baton of Tiberiu Soare advertised, all in various places (halls, radio, open air etc.). You cannot deny the existence of these events and the business/professional relationship that you have with Tiberiu Soare. This has nothing to do with my musical taste and I did not comment on the quality of the performances.
Please delete the photo used in this post, as it is a capture from a youtube post of “Calea Victoriei” Foundation from a musical event of “Odeon Theater” in Bucharest – “The Soldier’s Tale” by Igor Stravinsky, featuring also the director of the theater, famous actress Dorina Lazar, that can be seen in the background:
As the photo is used in this post without asking permission neither from the Theater nor the foundation it is unauthorized.
Alexandru Pătraşcu is not a music critic. His job is in IT system. He and some of his friends, all a bunch of people who think they understand Opera, wrote too many can can stuff and lies on social media, blogs, fake accounts, etc. They continued for months to denigrate, to insult, to attack these 2 artists and the Bucharest Opera House. All is here with print screens: https://irinasevastiaiordachescu.wordpress.com
Alexandru Patrascu is…not even an amateur! What makes him a “critic”?? Mabye only the fact that he booed an artist in Opera House. But he booed because he was against all ONB artists who did not accept anymore the JKstyle. He did not boo because the artistic act was bad, or because the musicians didn t sound well, or because the ballet dancers did not danced well.This article..offers the image of Patrascu as a victim! Like last year when here on slippedisc, JK was the victim! What about the BNO artists??? They were the real victims.
What BNO artists? They don’t exist, outside BNO.. not even for Bucharest’s residents.. they are virtually unknown outside Romania.. None of my foreign friends even heard of BNO. Such a glorious oportunity for an internationally unknown ballet company to be led by Kobborg, and such a shamefull end.
BNO had a moment of glory under KJ, and that’s all. Back to mediocrity..
Mr Andrei Ungureanu, as I told you, you have No proof for what you wrote : “Tiberiu Soare’s private orchestra”.
When you will find a post about Tiberiu Soare’s private orchestra, please let me know about it, because I want to Apply for an audition.
You are faaaar Away from reality.
You just hate him, it’s already an obssesion. And because I respect him, you hate me too. Very well! I’m sure you are very happy after you posted those comms and your life is full of joy with Lovely moments, and this conductor is your only reason to be angry…. deal with that! You don’t have to listen or watch His concerts, you are free to LOVE Any other artists. So…. ignore us !
Mrs Monica Cristiana Balasoiu: I was mentioning only FACTS: you were a witness in this trial (everyone can prove it), therefore your comments are biased. You work for Tiberiu Soare: in a state orchestra, Bucharest National Opera and a private Orchestra: Symphactory. The compatibility of your witness status is questionable, so are your statements in here. There are dozens of concerts with you under the baton of Tiberiu Soare advertised, all in various places (halls, radio, open air etc.). You cannot deny the existence of these events and the business/professional relationship that you have with Tiberiu Soare. This has nothing to do with my musical taste and I did not comment on the quality of the performances.
Mr Andrei Ungureanu, working with a conductor or with an other doesn t make me blind or brain washed!
Anyway… Let the Justice to decide it!
Mrs. Monica Balasoiu, it’s NOT like that, let me gently remind you how you’ve made your entry into Bucharest National Opera Orchestra. You’ve FAILED the first contest, and after Mr. Tiberiu Soare was hired again at Bucharest National Opera, the first contest was then cancelled and reorganised. There were the same participants, however you’ve won the time. It’s a huge coincidence. After all this, you came as a witness in this trial? It’s hard to believe that your statements are trustful. You cannot say that you had no interest in all this. Just google “Tiberiu Soare Symphactory” and you can find hundreds of pages with concerts and events. So whatever you write in here, it’s simply not believable. You are only a poor employee defending its boss.
Mr Andrei Ungureanu, I gently sugest you to ask from the HR’s Opera the members of the jury from the contests and after you will realize that Mr T Soare was never in a jury when I played, make a simple counting. I started to play at the Opera in 2015( after an audition, of course!) one year Before Mr Soare’s return at BNO. Oups!
And Symphactory is not he’s orchestra and this orchestra had during the time at least other 4 guest conductors as well.
And… good night!
Mrs Balasoiu, I did not say that he was part of the jury; he needn’t be there. Tiberiu Soare’s name appeared on BNO website after the last performance of “In the middle Somewhat elevated” (17th of June). His contest for a permanent conductor position (28th of November) is also very questionable: he was the only participant and the position was very shortly advertised. Your first contest was on 14th of March, 2016 and you’ve FAILED, and the second one was on the 7th of October 2016, and you were admitted. Tiberiu Soare has already been on the website since June. It looks like you’ve both played a prize. Even more embarrassing, because you are Concert Maestro at Symphactory and second violin at Bucharest National Opera. How can you explain this?
About Symphactory: it’s mainly Tiberiu Soare conducting, more than 90% of the time. What you’re saying sounds like a fairy tale. It might have happened a few times to have another conductor, but that definitely does not dissociate Tiberiu Soare of Symphactory.
PS: There is no evidence of your 2015 contest, that’s a lie. Here are the links: http://operanb.ro/rezultatele-etapei-ii-probele-practice-treapta-partida-vioara-ii/
Just because you didn t find the link, it ‘s a lie :)) Search more! Look at the notes from the contests, search better…
Acesta este ultimul meu răspuns la aceasta penibila joaca de-a șoarecele si pisica. Primul meu contract cu Opera a fost in anul 2011, dupa o audiție pt colaborator permanent pt stagiunea 2011-2012.
Am revenit la opera in anul 2015 dupa un concurs..cred ca in Octombrie.
Pt orice nelămuriri, găsiți pe site adresa de mail de la HR.
Din Aprilie 2016 si pana acum… aceleași discuții. Lăsați Justiția sa decidă cine, ce si cum.
Nu știu ce faceți Dvs in timpul liber… nu stiu daca existați pe google si nici nu ma interesează…. eu prefer sa ma joc cu câinele meu decât sa continui aceasta polemica fără final in care Dvs știți si câta apa beau pe zi.
Aveti liberatatea sa ma urâți, aveti liberatatea sa ma desconsiderați.
F bine! Daca asa va face fericit, ma bucur pt fericirea Dvs!
Please write only in English.
Mrs Monica Balasoiu: For the last time, it’s nothing related to any kind of feelings. It’s about facts that prove that you are in conflict of interests.
The same incompatibility status applies to Sena Vlădoiu, initially quoted as witness in the trial, while she contributes to an infamous Facebook page with the sole mission to attack Johan Kobborg, Alexandru Patrascu and all those who have different opinions regarding this conflict, including myself.
Ha!Ha! Mr. Cangaroo..you have some issues..i think you are totally obsessed about ONB! Get a life!
UPDATE: Bucharest National Opera has published the report issued by the Prime Minister’s Control Body over the investigations of 2016 events. Shamelessly it does not clarify anything about the Kobborg dismissal from Bucharest Ballet, but it dedicates a special chapter on the subject of the legality of hiring Tiberiu Soare as conductor at BNO after his 3 days tenure as interim manager. His actual contract turns out to be illegal, so far.
Shame on your, Alexandru Patrascu! You have absolutely no qualification to write about opera performances! You only have personal opinions, like every person in this world has!
You are BEING PAID to write lies and slander two international artists. Your taste in music and personal opinions do not entitle you to write comments like: the soprano (taking about Irina Iordachescu) is ugly, fat,worthless and hysterical, making childish remarks about her first name and making comments about her father, Dan Iordachescu (one of the finest baritone voices in the world, btw) calling him a pedophile! These adjectives you are using have nothing to do with opera or with performances, they only show a disgusting personality and a man who is selling himself for 2 pennies.