Opera company ‘appears to be dead’
mainCalls to Opera Zuid in Maastricht have gone unanswered all week. Likewise emails.
The Dutch company, which stages two touring productions a year, lost its financial director at the end of December. Much of its subsidy has been cut. The general director, Miranda van Kralingen, has her work cut out to keep the shows on the road.
Many in the business fear that Opera Zuid cannot survive. A plan to merge it with the successful Reiseoper has been resisted, thus far.
UPDATE: See comments…
January 15, 2015 at 9:28 am
Dear mister Lebrecht,
Please contact us again, because.
Opera Zuid is very, very much alive!!!
Only our server-and telephone system was ‘dead’
We have now a great interim for finances, Mister Andries de Jong, and are looking forward to play La Cenerentola in the theaters in Holland this spring.
Good strong plans for the future and no ‘merging’. So,
like the famous song of Gloria Gaynor Opera Zuid sings:
‘I will survive’
All the best and do come to our shows,
Miranda van Kralingen Intendant of a successful Opera Zuid.
Zoals ik op de fb melding al zei, ik geloof hier geen barst van…
Miranda doet ‘t geweldig en ik heb groot respekt voor haar. She will make it
work, maakt niet uit hoe!
Go girl go!
I am intrigued by the defensive reaction of Ms. Van Kralingen as both Nederlandse Reisopera and Opera Zuid would benefit from a merger. It would create a single, viable, touring company on a more secure financial footing. During my tenure as Intendant of the Reisopera I proposed this idea more than once to both the Dutch Arts Council and the Ministry of Culture, as it would make perfect sense to combine forces. However, nobody wanted to take on the political might of regional politics, especially the lobby of the province of Limburg – home of Opera Zuid.
Wegens grondwerkzaamheden lagen server en telefoon er uit bij Opera Zuid. Excuses voor het ongemak.
Opera Zuid gaat creatief door met de talentontwikkeling waar zij zich als derde operagezelschap van Nederland al 10 jaar bij uitstek op richt en waardoor zij zich duidelijk onderscheidt. Want, Opera Zuid ís talentontwikkeling!
Vier in seizoen 2015-2016 ons 25 jarig jubileum met ons en houdt onze website in de gaten.
Jonge zangers zijn van harte welkom om auditie bij ons te doen.
Stuur een mail naar:
Met hartelijke groet,
Miranda van Kralingen
Intendant Opera Zuid