New research: Cynics are more likely to get dementia

New research: Cynics are more likely to get dementia


norman lebrecht

May 29, 2014

Scientists at the University of Eastern Finland have come up with an alarming hypothesis: those with the highest level of cynical distrust have higher risk of dementia than those who tend to accept things on trust. At least among elderly Finns (pictured).

Musicians, beware.

Research summary here.

old finn


  • Tim Dowling says:

    Music journalists beware

  • william osborne says:

    “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them… well, I have others.” –Groucho Marx

    Some cynics are actually very adaptable, even to things like old age.

  • m2n2k says:

    Even though I am not a Finn and do not consider myself elderly yet, I would like to make the following clear for the record, just in case: I trust this “hypothesis” completely and without any reservations.

  • anonymus says:

    Probably it’s actually explained by cynics drinking much more alcohol. At least among Finns.