Want to know what really went down at the Sydney Opera?

Want to know what really went down at the Sydney Opera?


norman lebrecht

August 01, 2010

Listen to Simone Young on The Lebrecht Interview, Monday night 9.45 on BBC Radio 3 and streamed all week.

Simone pulls no punches, making it clear that she was fired by a board that went back on its promises. There are hints of anti-feminism in the story, and her recovery to become general music director of the city of Hamburg is one of the great musical comebacks.

I like Simone: she’s a real fighter, and a contender for the next big opera vacancy, possibly Covent Garden. More details here, along with a posed picture.



  • Currie says:

    Why, is Pappano leaving CG imminently?
    NL replies: He has made it clear he is leaving after the Britten year, 2013-14.

  • GT says:

    Who are rumoured to be the favourites to succeed Pappanp? Fabio Luisi would be my choice. Andris Nelsons would be exciting, too!