A concertmaster is made in Houston

A concertmaster is made in Houston


norman lebrecht

July 31, 2023

A Canadian member of the Houston Symphony first violins, Boson Mo, has been appointed concertmster of the Phoenix Symphony. He starts next month.

Mo was one of CBC Canada’s ’30 under 30 Top Classical Musicians’, alongside Ji So Choi, whose tragic death he mourned last week.


  • David Harrison Spence says:

    Boson is a fine musician and is one of the most charming and warmest people I know in the Houston performing arts community and has enjoyed, experienced much artistic growth since starting at Rice University here, taking from Paul Kantor, and may make it, go far with a fine career ahead of him. One can only wish Boson the very best as he proceeds forward from here, but we will miss him here.

  • Arny says:

    Welcome to Arizona Mr. Mo!