Elim Chan quits her orchestra

Elim Chan quits her orchestra


norman lebrecht

June 15, 2023

The Hong Kong-born conductor has told the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra that she’s stepping down in mid-2024 after five years as its youngest chief.

Chan, now 36 and living in the Netherlands, is in increasing demand in Europe. She has also changed agency from HarrisonParrott in London to CCM in Berlin.

She says: ‘My time with the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra was important on so many levels. We were able to learn and to grow together and I wish the orchestra every continued success. I will cherish the great memories of my time in Antwerp, of working and touring with the orchestra and I look forward to being reacquainted with the wonderful Antwerp audiences in the future.’

The press release adds: Elim Chan is not available for interviews.

Why ever not?

This was how she felt just 13 months ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdKrMBBNsFB/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


  • Gustavo says:

    “Elim Chan is not available for interviews.”

    So she doesn’t chatter about what her agents have arranged.

  • Emil Chan says:

    what is a deal still worth ?

  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    I realy like the Tchaikovsky concert she did with the RCO few years ago.

  • Manu says:

    Overrated. Again a case of young conductor that uses a fine orchestra to get a voice (if she gets one at all).
    She should gain experience in student and local orchestras.
    Not her fault of course but weak managers with no real criteria.

    • Sophie says:

      Couldn’t disagree more – having worked with her last year she really is fantastic. She’s incredibly clear in her own mind about what she wants to achieve and is very good at communicating it to the orchestra, so rehearsal time is used efficiently. Personality-wise she’s like a ray of sunshine, which always helps! I did find her beat a little less than clear for me at times, but there are plenty of conductors far older and more experienced than her than do worse, even with a baton.

    • Peter says:

      “She should gain experience in student and local orchestras.”

      If you knew anything about her, you’d know that she did; and that the reason she moved into professional circles quickly thereafter was because she (literally) won her way there on merit. A baseless cheap shot.

      • Cecily says:

        Yes! – Elim is always total prepared for rehearsal and knows what needs to be achieved at each one Then with economic movement and precise cues she invigorates the players to produce what she has envisaged… Lots of invitations to conduct and endeavouring to keep her promises….

    • Cecily says:

      Ms Chan is far above student orchestra status at this stage and I will leave you to read about the notable conducting prizes she has won.

  • Tony Sanderson says:

    Her concert at this year’s BBC Proms is a sell-out.

    • La plus belle voix says:

      Nothing to do with the fact that the programme is Elgar Enigma Variations and Beethoven’s third Piano Concerto then?

      • John Pickford says:

        Of course not! People attend the BBC Proms only for the conductor, you know that! The first question always is “Who’s conducting?” not “What is the program or singer?”

        • La plus belle voix says:

          Can’t make out if this is heavy handed irony or complete naïveté. I hope the former.

  • Stephen Lipton says:

    Such a fine and vibrant young conductor with a great depth and understanding of the music she performs. We all fell in love with her music making when she came to the RSNO. And such a lovely person.

  • ElaCantor says:

    Technically solid, musically uninteresting. Once again, the Antwerp Symphony Orchestra fails to keep its musical directors for more than 5 years….Is there a curse in Antwerp?

  • Kman says:

    She literally created an orgasmic experience in LA just a few weeks ago, so she must be doing something right…

    • Stan says:

      I’ll have some of what you’re having! 🙂

    • Kman says:

      Guys, Elim Chan literally conducted the Tchaikovsky 5 back in late April where the one attendee “enjoyed herself.” It was covered on this blog and many news outlets.

  • Gordon Peck says:

    This is how she felt a year ago?!? Nope that is the official page of her employer… Even if it was her account…real feelings on twitter? Hehe


  • Don says:

    I was in a student orchestra that Elim conducted at University of Michigan. I knew that she had “IT” back then. She motivated us with her enthusiasm and love for the music. I would have been crushed if I made a mistake. I wanted our performance to be perfect because she did. She is a beautiful person, and playing in her orchestra is the highlight of my musical life. I will always be a fan.