Ruth Leon recommends…  Atonal Music – Merle Hazard

Ruth Leon recommends… Atonal Music – Merle Hazard

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

June 18, 2022

Atonal Music – Merle Hazard

This is one of the funniest musical jokes I’ve seen in years, sent to me by two classical music friends. This is NOT Merle Haggard but Merle Hazard who is well known in the US for his musical spoofs. Many of his songs are about politics, this one is just about music and

it’s terrific.

Editor: Slippedisc first streamed this in  2019 – pre-Covid, pre-War.  Many reasons to show it again to our new readers and subscribers so that you can laugh out loud.
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  • Wise Guy says:

    He needs to do another one about woke atonal music.