Horror video of knife attack on Russian composer

Horror video of knife attack on Russian composer


norman lebrecht

February 22, 2022

The St Petersburg composer Alexander Kolker has been attacked by a knifeman in the elevator of his apartment block.

Kolker, 88, received medical treatment and returned home.

He is renowned for multiple pop hits and a rock opera, The Gadfly.

The attack can be seen on CCTV cameras (starting 1:33).





  • Peter San Diego says:

    The event makes horrible enough reading without macabre instructions on where to see it; there’s no way I will touch that video. I’m glad the wounds were superficial enough that Mr. Kolker could return home after treatment.

  • Jack says:

    So thankful you provided us with a video of an attempted murder. Right next to a clickbait headline about suicide. Classy.

  • Hans-Dieter Glaubke says:


  • Graham Clarke says:

    There are more than enough other venues to view this type of video. Slipped Disc is not one of them.