Soloist says she’s been assaulted by US limo driver

Soloist says she’s been assaulted by US limo driver


norman lebrecht

November 04, 2021

Message from the Canadian cellist Amanda Forsyth, on tour at Segerstrom Arts Center in California with husband Pinchas Zukerman and the Jerusalem Quartet:

Ready?? the limo company driver that picked us up from airport physically ASSAULTED me- by pushing me , throwing me to the cement ground of the parking lot!!! Screaming at me about “dog” even though it was booked with an extra fee for cleaning and all on the up and up for River. Landed on my right hand. And bruised bum and broke skin on ankle. Thankfully I was not holding Carlo or he would have been broken. River was terrified and I wish she had been trained to bite.


  • G. Baratris says:

    What kind of person would become so aggressive about a dog?

  • Larry D says:

    Isn’t this a matter for the police? What are comments on Slipped Disc going to accomplish?

    • Steven Holloway says:

      Accomplish nothing, of course. But she sent her “message” to various parties by way of spreading the word. In short, it is a form of press release — I received one. It is to the good that the driver’s behaviour is known, as in all such occurrences.

  • Tiredofitall says:

    Sounds horrible, but it also sounds as if there may be more to this story? Certainly there should have been a police report, if nothing else than for insurance purposes?

    Not to pry…Ms. Forsyth made it public, after all.

    • Phillip says:

      Some people get really triggered in the US over the fake service dog epidemic. There is a loophole in the law that literally allows anyone to claim that their pet is a service dog. The problem is so bad here that people who actually need a service dog due to a disability are scared to go out because they are sometimes harassed by the fake service dog police.

      • Terence says:

        Defund the fake service dog police!

      • Tiredofitall says:

        What total crap. The fake service dog folks know the contradictory laws in the US.

        Most restaurants and stores prohibit pets, but the federal Americans with Disability Act (ADA) prevents questioning if an animal is indeed a service animal…so there is no control nor regulation. The dog owners are, if anything, emboldened.

        The volume of pandemic dogs in the US has increased exponentially in the past year and any attempt by shop or restaurant owners to curb violators has led to exasperation and defeat.

        “Love me, love my doggie” mentality.

      • Here are some actual rules regarding service animals

  • V. Lind says:

    Wonder when she cut her hair.

  • BigSir says:

    Was the dog in a cage? Put the dog in a transport cage. I would like to hear the Limo driver’s side of it.

  • Casey says:

    How do we know that this was a dog issue and not an intonation issue?

    • V. Lind says:

      Knowing Amanda Forsyth, which I do not but know an awful lot of people who do, I suspect an entitlement issue might be in play.

      • Jan says:

        Amanda Forsyth – Cello


        Pinchaus Zukerman – Accompanist (on violin and sometimes that large sized fiddle)

        What really made me laugh is that Amanda and her Facebook army made comments about how they wish the dog had bit the aggressor. These people are living along that long river in Africa called De Nial. Police K9s have a hard enough time doing that job. What on Earth is a lap dog going to do?! They would simply enrage the target more, which would most likely result in the dog getting injured or killed. Also, in the US, there have been burglars who have won damages in court because they were mauled by dogs when breaking into homes. This is how anti dog bite America is. Therefore, Amanda and her army of delusional dog lovers need to cool it with the bite talk because it’s nothing but delusional.

  • Jfa says:

    From one musician to another…so sue him for aggrevatef assault so the S.O.B. doesn’t repeat it at a professional level… So sorry to hear of your mistreatment.

  • Liam Allan-Dalgleish says:

    The earth is dying