Barenboim offers solo recital after orchestra cancels due to Covid

Barenboim offers solo recital after orchestra cancels due to Covid


norman lebrecht

November 04, 2021

Two Brahms concerts by the Staatskapelle Berlin at La Scala Milan have had to be cancelled due to a positive Corona test in a musician who was fully vaccinated.

Barenboim, however, has stepped in with a solo piano recital this evening.

He is a former music director at La Scala.

UPDATE: He performed the last three Beethoven sonatas.


  • John Borstlap says:

    Vaccination does not stop spreading. But it does stop serious illness.

    • RW2013 says:

      What happened to the “Get your shots, folks” guy?

      • ken says:

        I’m back, bro. See below.

      • poyu says:

        Vaccination doesn‘t “stop” spreading but it does slow spreading. Vaccinated people have less chance to be infected even exposed to same amount of virus; even they get it, they produce less virus, shed virus for shorter time, on top of the fact that they have much lower chance to develop serious illness. It is really not that difficult to understand, especially after nearly two years of public health education everywhere. Unless you only watch conspiracy theory media!

    • Pete says:

      Yes. This is why vaccine mandates right now are wrong. I was all in on them at the beginning and am double vaccinated and am about to get a third shot and have no issue with the vaccines but they clearly do not stop the spreading of the virus. At the very best they might help you not get very sick but you can still catch it and you can still spread it. So, they really should be left for people to decide on their own if they want to take them, since the only ones they might help is the person who gets the shot. Forcing people to take the vaccines now or isolating anti-vaxxers and using a vaccine passport to control who can or cannot go places and do things, is wrong.
      Make a better vaccine that guarantees to stop the virus and I’ll agree with insisting everyone takes it. Until then, vaccine mandates are many levels of wrong and should worry everyone on many different levels as well.

      • John Dalkas says:

        No vaccine is 100 percent effective or probably ever will be. But vaccines help protect oneself AND others. The operative is “help.”

        We’re all in this boat together, not in separate boats. Our behavior affects others. The more people are vaccinated, the sooner the pandemic will be under enough control to let us enjoy more freedoms; fewer health-care workers will burn out and leave their jobs as has been the case; there will be more room in ICUs to handle other kinds of emergencies; the tragic triage at overwhelmed hospitals of who lives and who dies will end; and more hospital beds will be available to handle other diseases.

      • Ines says:

        Sorry, but you are so wrong. Yes, vaccines aren t good enough ( governments should not leave this task to private companies!!) , but since people can get very sick and even die when they catch this virus, isolation and partial confinment should continue.
        Never before in mankind history , a pandemy was not met with confinment by those who governed.
        Today, most governments do nothing to stop the spreading of the virus,'( at most they require a green pass that in my country is not implemented- I don t know if in other countries it is), leting the weak to die.
        It seems they count on the votes of those who will survive…

      • Monsoon says:

        It’s about much more than stopping the spread — it’s just as much if not more so about preventing hospitals and ICUs from running at 100% capacity with sick people.

        The data clearly shows that over 95 percent of people hospitalized with COVID were not vaccinated.

        This summer during the Delta surge, hospitals and ICUs ran out of beds for all patients because people infected with COVID, who nearly all were not vaccinated, were taking so many beds.

        People who needed vital surgery and treatments have had to delay them because hospitals had no capacity due to COVID patients.

        So when you refuse to get vaccinated, get COVID, and then have to be hospitalized, you could be taking a bed from someone who needs cancer treatment or bypass surgery. Your actions affect others.

        • Anthony Sayer says:

          Balls. Very few hospitals have many beds in emergency wards and, as Israel shows, most people occupying them at the moment have been at least double-vaccinated. I had a knee operation last year in a clinic keeping beds open for cv patients. When I was there they told me they didn’t have any WuFlu sufferers at all. That was in the middle of the so-called mortal ‘second wave’. Words like ‘saturated’ and ‘overwhelmed’ tend to be used mostly in MSM and a handful of hospitals in demographically very mixed areas.

        • Tamino says:

          Your data is outdated. Now the numbers of hospitalized WITH full vaccination is much higher. In Israel 60% of the hospitalized are vaccinated now.

      • Maria says:

        I am triple vaccinated as many now are in Britain, as well as pneumonia jab and flu jab. Hoping for what was said here – it won’t stop you getting the virus but it might stop you going into Intensive Care on a ventilator, and/or dying of it. We have a serious level of infections in the whole of the UK. Broken down, out of the four devolved countries of the UK, Wales has the most restrictions and yet the highest infection rate. Best just get on with life as best one can, and take it as it comes.

    • Trevor G. says:

      Thank you Dr. John.
      Let me guess – 45 more shots of vaccine will make you ALMOST immune to Covid?

    • Maria says:

      But it does stop things going on regardless, so the outcome is the same. Well done Barenboim.

    • Piano Lover says:

      Why not talk about music ?This site is music-oriented is it not?

    • Piano Lover says:

      Why not talk about music for a change.This site is dedicated to music is it not?

  • David says:

    Bravo Maestro.

  • John Kelly says:

    Typically generous from DB. I remember a recital at Carnegie Hall (he played both books by Albeniz among other things) – he gave about 15 encores. Extremely generous artist.

    • Piano Lover says:

      Indeed he is.
      He can give any recital on a short notice playing any Mozart concerto or sonata or Beethoven or Brahms or Tchaikovsky…and so on.
      A marvellous artist !!

  • ken says:

    Get your shots, folks !

  • Dr Tonreihe says:

    The orchestra didn’t cancel by biological necessity because of the positive coronavirus test, but rather because of Italy’s loony-bin governmental response. I’d bet my right foot that more than one London orchestral musician has taken passage of at the least mildly-symptomatic or asymptomatic coronavirus infection, if not worse, in the past 2 months, yet the bands have played on.

  • Peter says:

    This is getting funnier for every day. If a concert with 100 people on stage and 2000 in the hall is cancelled because a double vaccinated fellow on stage has gotten “corona” – what is the end game here? Vaccine every day and pcr tests every hour?

    • Monsoon says:

      When enough people have immunity from vaccines or infection that new infections have very low hospitalization and death rates.

      As I noted above, the issue isn’t so much stemming the spread of COVID, but keeping our hospital and ICU beds from filling up to capacity. As we saw in the United States over the summer with the Delta variant, when all of the hospital beds are filled with COVID patents, health care is rationed and people who need non-COVID related treatments cannot get them.

      And the reason concerts continue to be shut down when one person tests positives is because there are still a lot of people out there without immunity, and an outbreak could result in hospital beds filling up to capacity.

    • Tamino says:

      legitimate question. But logical and critical thinking are not mainstream mental techniques anymore.

  • dgm says:


  • Monty Earleman says:

    One of the great geniuses of our age.