Time out: Concert star, 34, is diagnosed with cancer

Time out: Concert star, 34, is diagnosed with cancer


norman lebrecht

November 02, 2021

Message from the Norwegian trumpet virtuoso Tine Thing Helseth:

Life is full of ups and downs 😇
Some weeks ago I was diagnosed with cancer. This means that I have to take a time-out for a while. I feel extremely well taken care of by wonderful doctors and nurses 🥰
It’s going to be some tough months ahead with heavy treatments, but in the end it’ll all be worth it 🌸
I can’t wait to be back in business in the spring!

We wish Tine a speedy recovery.


  • Don Ciccio says:

    Get well soon!

  • Zenaida says:

    Wishing this fabulous artist and lovely lady a thorough and speedy recovery!

  • M McAlpine says:

    Get well soon!

  • Luke says:

    Best wishes for Tine, a fantastic musician and person.

  • Peter says:

    All the best! Praying for you!

    • Paul Edward Gay says:

      Tine approaches this with the grace and dignity as she does with her insightful, soulful, heavenly music making. The world needs you Tine

  • Just discover her wonderful music, and google her name and find this news. I send my best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery

  • Rob Cowan says:

    Be back with us VERY soon … as I know you will, fit and well.

  • BigSir says:

    Best wishes to Tine for recovery!

  • Elizabeth Owen says:

    All the very best to you take care and think positive.

  • V. Lind says:

    Good luck to this inspiring artist.

  • Axl says:

    We pray for you Tine! Get well soon!

  • Ionut says:

    Get well soon!!! Prayers for a speedy recovery!

  • Alexander T says:

    Wishing her a speedy recovery.

  • Gil says:

    jab takes out your white T-cells. Just lost a friend today to cancer/heart attack from vax, it is on the CDC VAERS report.

  • Glen says:

    Get well soon!

  • Sean says:

    Thanks for all your beautiful music. Get well soon. Sean

  • Don and Janet Petersen says:

    Dear Tine, We wish for you a speedy recovery. Know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Don and Janet Petersen

  • Reuben Lane says:

    I love your trumpet playing and am praying God sees fit to heal you soon. You are wonderful and enjoyed your chat with Sarah on her hangout. God bless.

  • Peter Howard says:

    Saw you in Manchester Cathedral a few years ago, I remember tears in my eyes on hearing the first number- Zdes’ Khorosho. Also enjoyed Ten Thing at Bridgewater Hall, please come back soon. I would like to hear your band play the theme tunes to Coronation Street tv programme and Wallace and Gromit films. Takk