Jonas Kaufmann has an inflammation of the trachea

Jonas Kaufmann has an inflammation of the trachea


norman lebrecht

September 20, 2021

The tenor has been clinically transparent about cancelling a recital as well as the opening performance of Munich’s Forza del Destino.

‘I had two weeks of vacation with an unbelievable cold, thought  had got it under control but…’



  • Wow. He speaks perfect German so nicely

  • If there is someone who has direct communication with Mr. Kaufmann, please advise him to use Ivermectin.

    • Anonymous Bosch says:

      Do you have any idea how hateful this comment is? Please justify recommending a human being to ingest a potentially poisonous drug created to de-worm horses.

      • Y says:

        Ivermectin is primarily a human drug that won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for its discovery. It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines and is approved by the FDA as an antiparasitic agent. In 2018, ivermectin was the 420th most commonly prescribed medication in the United States, with more than one hundred thousand prescriptions. The drug also has applications for treating and preventing tropical diseases including yellow fever and malaria. All incoming Afghan refugees (and refugees from many other countries) are prescribed ivermectin as a matter of course.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        There’s a powerful amount of thoughtless (or ignorant) hatred on this site, much of it attempting to pass for humor. It ain’t…

      • WillC says:

        The comment was kind not hateful. You may wish to dust off your pharmacology texts and review the successful deployment of Ivermectin in Uttar Pradesh.

      • BRUCEB says:

        Maybe he’s not a fan…

    • Helen says:

      What kind of a remark is this. I hope this is not some weird sly suggestion regarding Covid 19. Whatever it is, it is in very bad taste and should be withdrawn.

  • Eddie Lopez says:

    Oh my God, Mr Kauffman you’re on my prayers

  • John Soutter says:

    Johnny Kough’s got a cough? How sad!

  • Harpist says:

    Hope he got tested for that other virus that apparently is going around quite a bit… (I am pretty sure he did)