Where are you? With Artists Against Antisemitism

Where are you? With Artists Against Antisemitism


norman lebrecht

June 04, 2021

Some 500 German musicians have formed an online group to combat rising Jew-hatred in the world.

Here’s their test of whether you are an anti-semite:

The so-called 3D rule can be used to determine whether an utterance is merely a criticism of Israel’s policy or whether the line to anti-Semitism is exceeded: This is the case when double standards , delegitimization or demonization of Israel are involved. The rapid test was developed in 2004 by the Israeli politician and scientist Nathan Sharansky i to systematically check texts and statements to determine whether they are anti-Semitic. It has since proven itself in science and especially in politics and civil society ii. Monika Schwarz-Friesel and Jehuda Reinharz, who research current anti-Semitism, however, criticize the fact that the three criteria must be concretized iii . They cite the five application features spelled out in 2004 by the European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia EUMC. These can also be found in the examples of the IHRA definition:

1 Deprivation of Israel’s right to exist and to self-determination
2 Comparison or equation of Israel with National Socialism
3 Apply different standards to Israel than to other countries
4 Making Jews from all over the world accountable for the governance of Israel
5 References to Israel or Israelis with anti-Semitic images, symbols or phrases.
Schwarz-Friesel and Reinharz introduce a fourth “D” in relation to Israel-related anti-Semitism, namely de-realization . This means that the representation of Israel is very distorted and deviates greatly from factual reality.

You, too, can join the group here.



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