Arts companies named in $50m Australian rescue package

Arts companies named in $50m Australian rescue package


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2020

The New South Wales government has set aside A$50 million to help arts companies that have been crushed by Covid closure.

The beneficiaries, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, will be the Sydney Theatre Company, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Opera Australia, Australian Chamber Orchestra, and Australian Theatre for Young People.



  • Player says:

    Yay! Good for them. I don’t know if the rescue package will be sufficient, but it’s a very good sign that Australians value these institutions. In contrast, U.S. arts institutions are hoping they can find some crumbs on the floor, though hundreds of billions of dollars were given to sports leagues.

  • Cassandra says:

    The Victorian government has already announced $49 million in extra funding for the arts.