Composer turns 70 with 17th symphony

Composer turns 70 with 17th symphony


norman lebrecht

March 10, 2019

The hyperactive Finnish composer Kalevi Aho turned 70 yesterday.

The birthday will be marked by Sinfonia Lahti on April 4 with the world premiere of Aho’s 17th symphony, conducted by Dima Slobodeniouk.


  • M McAlpine says:

    AsMozart wrote 41 in 35 years I wouldn’t call this guy ‘hyper-active’

  • J. Froberger says:

    What about Leif Segerstam: 327 (!!!) symphonies, september 2018, along with many other works. (fe 30 string quartets, 13 violin concertos, 8 cello concertos.

    • Viola da Bracchio says:

      How many of Segerstam’s 327 doodlings have ever had a second performance?

    • John Borstlap says:

      Conductors are still studying the 327 scores to decide which one they would like to perform. When they die, the job is taken-over by the younger generation.

    • Novagerio says:

      Have you ever heard his music from the last 25
      years? Spoiler alert: it’s only 100% quantity with zero quality (short for complete crap!), as the Guiness record book told him once he had contacted them after the first 300.

      • John Borstlap says:

        It’s very hard to write a bad symphony. But after the 9th it gets easier. And after 100 they write themselves, without any effect on quality.

      • Jean says:

        Guinness world records is no authority when it comes to music….

  • Andrew says:

    Is this the only known photo of Kalevi Aho? And who’s the other guy in it?