The Met snags a principal trombone from Texas

The Met snags a principal trombone from Texas


norman lebrecht

May 27, 2018

John Romero, principal trombone of the Fort Worth Symphony, has won the audition for a Metropolitan Opera orchestra vacancy. He will start in September.

John, who is from Longview, Texas, studied at Baylor and Rice universities.




  • barry guerrero says:

    Congrats man. Maybe he’ll give Joe Alessi some cross-town competition.

  • Itsjtime says:

    Why don’t trombone players find clothes that fit well?

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Why does it matter?

    • Barry Guerrero says:

      ‘Cause they’ve got to have room to breath and BLOW! Think of the Pilgrim’s Chorus from Tannhauser. Besides, they’re in the back row.

      • Max Grimm says:

        True. Additionally, it is rumoured in some parts of the world that Americans appear to have an aversion to well- or form-fitting attire 😉

    • Bruce says:

      That shirt fits beautifully: it looks comfortable.

      P.S. any musician who needs to breathe and/or move when s/he plays (i.e. any musician) needs clothes s/he can breathe & move in.

    • Mike A says:

      Maybe it’s similar to my situation – I have one army uniform that fits appropriately when I am at a function (not performing), and another when I need to move my arms and breathe often for a couple miles of street parade.

      Also congratulations on winning the audition!

    • Paul says:

      I can speak to this. I buy shirts to perform in with a neck size about a half-inch greater than necessary, and buy regular fit shirts and jackets when I’m really a slim.

      Trombone is an incredibly physically demanding instrument to play. Success at a high level is almost entirely dependent on playing efficiently. Even with the minimum expenditure of energy, however, playing trombone for a short period can seem like running a marathon. Any interplay between the slide arm sleeve and the collar of a shirt can be a real problem. Think of a bow snagging on a piece of clothing. In addition, in taking a great breath, many people find that their neck expands. Having room to move within your clothing is imperative for playing the instrument.

      There are those who believe that it is more important to look good than to play well. Those people don’t judge Met auditions :).

  • Itsjtime says:

    So they look nice.

  • Tiredofitall says:

    My mama always said it’s what’s in your head, not on it…Maybe that’s why most orchestras have “blind” auditions behind a screen.

  • John Romero says:

    That’s the shirt I won the MET audition in :). It’s my lucky shirt. There’s a whole story but I’ve had it since freshman year of college. It fits me a lot better now!

    • Dennis Bubert says:

      What’s with all of the shirt comments? It’s the best you’ve looked in two years, John! And you should tell them the rest of the “Texas trombone story”….that your housemate from Rice just won second trombone in the LA Phil!

    • Barbara Jöstlein Currie says:

      Congratulations John! You nailed the audition but the tenure process is more of an HGTV show similar to “What not to Wear”- and Weston is your main competition in the dressing well regard. Good luck! See you in the fall.

    • Barbara Jöstlein Currie says:

      Congratulations John! You nailed the audition but the tenure process is more like an HGTV show similar to “What not to Wear”- and Weston is your main competition in regards to dressing well. Good luck! See you in the fall.

  • Melinda N Massie says:

    1) John is fantastic musician and it doesn’t matter what he wears.

    2) I’m so sad we’re losing him in Fort Worth but THRILLED for his new adventure!

    3) I need to hear this lucky shirt story. John has fantastic stories.

  • David J. Hyslop says:

    John : Congratulations and best wishes to all in Fort Worth.
