Found! Police return Gofriller violin that was stolen on Gatwick Express

Found! Police return Gofriller violin that was stolen on Gatwick Express


norman lebrecht

May 11, 2017

At the end of March, Carol Slater had her 1700 Gofriller stolen from the luggage rack of a Gatwick Express train.


British Transport Police, using CCTV camera footage, issued a picture of a woman they wanted to interview.

They recovered the violin from a house in Northwest London and today returned it, slightly damaged, to Carol.

She hopes to play it in a concert with her husband, violist Ian Jewel, at the Belsize Music Festival later this month.


  • V.Lind says:

    Was this one of the forgotten/left behind ones? I assume it was not snatched at knifepoint.

    She was very, very lucky and the police are to be congratulated.