Who got Domingo his big payday in the Gulf?

Who got Domingo his big payday in the Gulf?


norman lebrecht

October 12, 2011

Want to know why Placido Domingo is conducting, not singing, at tonight’s opening of the Royal Opera House in Muscat?

Top Slide

It was all set up by Michael Kaiser in Washington, apparently. Read the AP story.

There’s Renee on honeymoon and Yo Yo still to come.

And Domingo will sing a gala recital on October 18 ‘with Sopranos Angel Blue and Micaela Oeste & Spanish & Classical Dancer Núria Pomares
Accompanied by Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra, Conducted by Eugene Kohn’.



  • Brian says:

    OK, so I will admit that Domingo is one of the greatest singers to ever grace any stage, while Ms. Fleming and Mr. Ma remain artists of the first rank. But I’m sorry. I have to wonder why–in what seems to be a noble attempt at bringing “new” (and hopefully outstanding) arts to the region–has the Royal Opera House Muscat not engaged an acknowledged world class conductor for its opening? Of course, then we would be forced to identify who that might be and who was available amidst the worldwide musical chairs going on within the world’s opera houses. Companies on both sides of the big pond continue to suffer the domino effect of James Levine’s current incapacity to work. Oh wait, Placido’s former employer is providing leadership. Yep; it’s all in who you know.

  • Nick Shadow says:

    It all sounds unutterably vile, to be honest….