Help save ancient scores in shut-down Munich nunnery

Help save ancient scores in shut-down Munich nunnery


norman lebrecht

January 09, 2017

From an AP report: Since 1496, the former Benedictine abbey in Altomuenster has housed a female religious order founded by Saint Bridget in Sweden in the 14th century. It is one of three monasteries of the original branch of the scholarly, monastic order operating today. But with its numbers in decline, Sister Apollonia now lives there alone. …

The Franciscan nun the Vatican put in charge of the closure, Sister Gabriele Konrad, says the collections are just being kept safe, but she’s refused to grant the scholars or anyone else access to the books.

A petition has been started to save these irreplaceable manuscripts. Sign here.


  • Semi-salty Doc says:

    This is an incredibly important article. The collection referred to is of inestimable cultural, historical and artistic importance; it must be cataloged, preserved and protected. If readers of this blog do only one thing this year to benefit our cultural heritage, it should be to sign the petition linked in Lebrecht’s article, and, perhaps to send money to to further promote the petition.

  • Gerald Martin says:

    If no one has access to the manuscripts, why should I contribute?

    • Semi-salty Doc says:

      You are contributing to to distribute a petition to the cognizant German Roman Catholic diocese asking them to preserve the collection and open it to scholars.