But everyone in this orchestra is old…

But everyone in this orchestra is old…


norman lebrecht

November 29, 2016

From Asahi Shimbun:

A young woman, new in town, is excited to be joining a local amateur symphony orchestra, but she soon discovers that all its members are elderly.

She’s kept on her toes by a seemingly endless array of problems, but she nevertheless begins to appreciate how the power of music can bring people together.

This is a summary of “Oke Rojin!” (Golden orchestra), a Japanese film that is now showing at theaters nationwide. Actress Anne Watanabe plays the young woman.


Has anyone seen it?

And did you just learn the Japanese word for ‘orchestra’?


  • Deepika says:

    No I haven’t seen it but since you have mentioned it on Slipped Disc I will definitely look out for it.