35 Bayreuth staff are refused security clearance

35 Bayreuth staff are refused security clearance


norman lebrecht

July 21, 2016

…. according to this BR report (in German).

Police checks are said to have shown a ‘potential for violence’ among several applicants.


bayreuth fest fake account


  • Joel Lazar says:

    Must have been from Hagen’s tribe?

  • John Borstlap says:

    According to German author Ernst von Pidde, an expert in juridical law, quite some characters in the Ring have a propensity for serious crimes and violence. No wonder Bayreuth finally discovers the dangerous threats on offer in the house: the main characters in Wagner’s Ring des Nibelungen are all performing criminal acts throughout the drama. According to German Law, they would all deserve severe punishment and several years of imprisonment for their vile and terrible acts.

    Here are some short excerpts from von Pidde’s book: “Richard Wagners «Ring des Nibelungen» im Lichte des deutschen Strafrechts”, quoted here in its original German language for the sake of precision. The author’s references are to the relevant paragraphs in the current German Strafrecht:


    Täter: Alberich
    Delikt: Diebstahl des Ringes (§ 242); Anstiftung zur Ermordung Siegfrieds (§§ 211, 26, 28 Abs. 2)
    Strafmaß: lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe

    Täter: Fafner
    Delikt: Verschleppung Freias (§ 239); Ermordung Fasolts (§ 211)
    Strafmaß: lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe

    Täter: Siegmund
    Delikt: Blutschande (§ 173); Mordversuch an Hunding (§ 211, 23)
    Strafmaß: Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter 3 Jahren

    Täter: Brünnhilde
    Delikt: Anstiftung zum «Feuerzauber» (§§ 308, 26); Anstiftung zur Ermordung Siegfrieds (§§ 211, 26, 28 Abs 2); Besonders schwere Brandstiftung (§307)
    Strafmaß: lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe

    The book has the ISBN number 3-455-05925-2.



    • Joel Lazar says:

      This could be a fruitful field of research in almost any operatic repertoire! Much more provocative than Rezeptionsgeschichte!
      Thank you so much.

    • MWnyc says:

      If only Anna Russell were still alive to do a lecture and warn the public about this pack of criminals.

    • Constanze Backes says:

      Oh how funny is that! Thanks for digging this up! You imagine all these dwarves, giants and heroines being turned away by security staff in sunglasses, sadly standing around outside the Festspielhaus.

    • Pianofortissimo says:

      Maybe something to be used in some future Regietheater production of the Ring: the criminals are taken by the police one by one at the end of each scene; if they have to come back the next scene or later they will look like escaped villains just to be imprisoned again.

  • David Nice says:

    So they’re not letting Thielemann in any more?