So how many is too many? Some additional evidence

So how many is too many? Some additional evidence


norman lebrecht

December 23, 2010

An orchestral manager has directed me to an article on alcohol in the performing arts, published a year ago by the UK Medical Council on Alcohol. It contains some shocking statistics, among them an international survey showing that 70 percent of orchestral musicians suffer from levels of anxiety that lead to medication, alcohol and drug use.

I don’t remember the report being discussed much among musicians when it was published. As usual in the classical music world, it was swept under the carpet.

Meanwhile, private respondents to my previous post cite the case of a London viola player seen urinating on the concert hall steps in full concert dress as the audience was leaving, and report that two British orchestras have now banned alcohol use on their premises.
Here’s the link to the M-C-A report:
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